Sunday, November 14, 2010


This week was my birthday--not only mine, but several people I know--all Scorpios, good luck. For me it was number 78, a combination of two digits that sound nice together even if they sound certainly old. Not for the first time do I marvel at how quickly such events arrive.
I've begun, tentatively, to look into retirement-type places. It was the suggestion of my loving niece Elissa who I know was NOT trying to shovel me into a grave, only too help me avoid being caught short if the need should arise for a change. I've seen two such places here in Manhattan, one preferable to the other, and it is--bottom line--a place that is do-able. I'm not ready for such a move, don't need to make such a move, but I see that putting the idea on my radar is a good thing, and not easy. A lot of mental moving will be needed before any physical move follows.

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