Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New website, new book

This has been a crazy time. Together with a talented designer, Adrienne Weiss, I have finished a lot of work on a redone website, now online at www.stanleyely.com. It prominently features and has links to my new book, "Ten Ways to Your Cat's Happiness: A Novel," from iUniverse Publishers, designated an Editor's Choice book.
The book is also now out. It runs a little over 200 pages, which seems short considering the time for writing (about two years), editing, proofreading that went into it. I've received a sample of the paperback and hardcover versions, and save a little printing issue on the paperback, they look fine. The cover is wonderful, designed by Anita Merk of Flyleaf, and it contains five really cute line drawings (of cats) done by Aleks Gryczon. It's for sale at Amazon.
Marketing--the hard part--begins. I've written to dozens of people, enlarged my presence on Facebook, hired a designer to do a promotional post card, and committed to doing a book video/press release with iUniverse. That hasn't started yet, should soon--and I hope will generate enough notice to justify a significant expenditure.
The whole project, in fact, is proving expensive, but I think all worthwhile investments. It's the best book I've done--and for sure the last novel!!--so I want to give it its best shot. We'll see.........

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