Monday, April 26, 2010

Writing moving on

An online literary magazine, "Perigee," to which I submitted an article, published it last week in an April issue. It's, of all things, an Army story, called "I Grew Up With Running Water." If interested, please go to the site of, then to Non-Fiction. Take a look; I think you'll enjoy the piece.

My novel, "Ten Ways to Your Cat's Happiness," is moving along. I've received really complimentary feedback of a revised manuscript from iUniverse, with, however, the suggestion for line editing. So I've agreed to pay the publisher for that, and it's underway now. That may move the book to classification as Editor's Choice which may or may not be significant.

The cover design is almost done, and illustrations for the book also. I like both very much. The website designer out West didn't work out, so I've started again, with a local designer (which I feel better about). With luck, the site will be done before long and the book out by early summer. This will be my fifth book, and the best I've done. Can't wait to find it between covers.

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