Monday, September 20, 2010

My New Video Interview

Ten Ways to Your Cat's Happiness: A Novel from Suraj Das on Vimeo.

Hey guys, please check out this new video interview about my latest novel, "Ten Ways to Your Cat's Happiness"

Sunday, September 19, 2010

High Holy Days

Last year, and this, were the first in decades that I attended services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. They were at a Reform synagogue on the Upper West Side, a large congregation with services that employ considerable Hebrew. A dynamic rabbi, superb cantor, and exceptional choir (some prayers sung a cappella). Moments of tears and some of laughter, and I walk out uplifted, not at all like the feeling when I was young and obliged to attend synagogue. I'm pleased to re-find, or maybe just find, such satisfaction, something my mother said would happen (and which I ignored for years).

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